Abstract Submission Guidelines
Submissions are invited of abstracts for oral presentations at the V Baltic Heart Failure Meeting. The deadline for submissions is August 15, 2016.
Rules for submission
- Only abstracts written in English will be accepted.
- All abstracts must have a title.
- All authors must be named, including the presenting author (with name, surname, and professional affiliations). Please provide us with the corresponding author’s contact information.
- The abstract must include following sub-sections: aim (background), methods, results and conclusions.
- The text should not include the titles of the sub-sections or any indentations. Please try to avoid the use of special characters and Greek letters as they may be lost during the process of abstract submission. The length of the abstract should not exceed 4000 characters (including spaces).
Please save the text to a file which is properly named (without special characters) and attach this file to your email. Do not send your abstract as text within the body of your email.
Contact details: amaca@inbox.lv