Riga Lipid Conference 2025


Date: 11 April, 2025

Venue: Bellevue Park Hotel Riga (1 Slokas Str., Riga, Latvia)


Dear Colleagues and Friends!

A warm welcome to the inaugural Riga Lipid Conference 2025, an international gathering dedicated to celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Latvian Registry of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH).

This registry has been a resounding success, significantly improving awareness and management of FH patients in Latvia. We are honored to host this conference in Riga, providing a platform for sharing knowledge, fostering collaborations, and discussing the latest advancements in lipid research and FH management.

The conference will feature dedicated sessions on FH, exploring the latest research and clinical practices. We will also delve into other important lipid topics and discuss alternative approaches to tackling cardiovascular risk.

We are fortunate to have a distinguished lineup of international speakers who will share their expertise and insights. We encourage you to also take the opportunity to explore the beauty of Riga during your time here.

We look forward to a productive and inspiring conference that will advance our understanding and treatment of FH and cardiovascular disease.

Gustavs Latkovskis

Chairman, Riga Lipid Conference 2025








SESSION I    Familial Hypercholesterolemia Registries

Chairs: Andrejs Erglis, Margus Viigimaa

9.20 Latvian Registry of FH: ten years of experience. Gustavs Latkovskis (Latvia)

9.45 FH in Lithuania. Zaneta Petrulioniene (Lithuania)

10.00 FH in Estonia. Margus Viigimaa (Estonia)

10.15 Screening and management of pediatric FH. Urh Groseilj (Slovenia)

10.40 Discussion



SESSION II   Familial Hypercholesterolemia

Chairs: Jeanine Elisabeth Roeters van Lennep, Iveta Mintale

11.30 Women, lipids and FH. Jeanine Elisabeth Roeters van Lennep (The Netherlands)

11.55 Homozygous FH: clinical approach and international registries. Meral Kayikcioglu (Turkey)

12.15 Genetics of FH, current situation and future perspectives. Mafalda Bourbon (Portugal)

12.40 Discussion

13.00 LUNCH


SESSION III   Hot topics in lipidology

Chairs: Maciej Banach, Gustavs Latkovskis

14.00 PCSK9 modulation and other novel lipid-lowering therapies. Maciej Banach (Poland)

14.25 Rethinking Lipoprotein(a) in cardiovascular disease: innovations, challenges and future directions. Ulrich Laufs (Germany)

14.45 Management of severe and moderate hypertriglyceridemia. Martin Serg (Estonia)

15.00 LDL functionality studies. Simon Pfisterer (Finland)

15.15 Discussion



SESSION IV   Other risk reduction strategies

Chairs: Sanda Jegere, Ilze Konrade

16.00 Expanding role of SGLT2 inhibitors in cardiovascular prevention. Gustavs Latkovskis (Latvia)

16.20 Insulin resistance as a driver of atherogenic dyslipidemia: emerging solutions. Ilze Konrade (Latvia)

16.50 Microalbuminuria as a cardiovascular risk marker. What are clinical implications? Ieva Ziedina (Latvia)

17.10 Discussion









Please provide accurate information when registering to receive a certificate of attendance. We assure that the data you submit will be used only for the preparation certificates and statistical data processing in an anonymised way.

Certificates will be sent to the email address provided in the registration within 2 weeks after the conference. 8 CME credits* will be awarded by attending Riga Lipid Conference and certificates of attendance will be sent by email.

*In accordance with 18.06.2024 Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 391 “Procedure for Certification of Medical Practitioners”, Annex 4, paragraph 5.



The registration fee payment 20 EUR should be transferred as following:

Latvijas Kardiologu biedriba

Reg. No: 40008004320

SEB banka

Account No: LV65UNLA0003200700293

The payment should clearly state the name of the delegate and the title of the congress: Name, Surname, Registration fee RLC 2025. The participation fee covers only the scientific program!



The closest and most affordable hotel (12 min walk to the congress venue): Park Inn by Radisson

The closest and most affordable hotel near Old Town (27 min walk, 10 min by car to the congress venue): Wellton Riverside 

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See you soon in Riga!