We are pleased to invite you to attend the Interventional Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery meeting BALTIC SUMMER 2020 to be held from 18 to 19 June, 2020 at the Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital and University of Latvia.
On Thursday, 18 June we will provide Baltic Summer practical sessions, which will be led by Baltic and world-class invasive cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. With the consent of patients, these cases followed by expert commentaries will be transmitted live to the congress event place in Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, building A.
On Friday, 19 June Latvijas Universitātes Zinātņu mājā ar lekcijām un priekšlasījumiem visas dienas garumā uzstāsies pasaules klases inazīvie kardiologi un kardio ķirurgi. Pēc lekcijām neformālā gaisotnē pie glāzes Prosecco godināsim modernās kardioloģijas Latvijā pamatlicējus un dalīsimies atmiņās.
Traditional basketball game
After educational section everyone will be welcome for a free cardio trainingorganized by the Latvian Innovative Medicine Foundation. Basketball game is scheduled on Friday, 21 June evening at 18:00 before the dinner. Don’t forget to take your basketball shoes! A t-shirt and drinking water will be provided.
The participant is granted CME points by Latvian Society of Cardiology (18 June 7 CME, 19 June 7 CME points)